Australian Government - Department of Defence - Department of Veteran's Affairs
D9214 Subsidy Authorisation Request Form
  • Part A: Your Personal Details
  • Part B: Property & Loan Details
  • Part C: Lump Sum
  • Part D: Declaration

Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme

Subsidy Authorisation Request

Who should use this form?

You should complete this form if you are:

  • Drawing down a home loan and want to commence receiving DHOAS subsidy.
  • At the time your home loan is drawn down, you must hold a DHOAS Subsidy Certificate that is valid and you must meet all the DHOAS scheme conditions in order to commence payments.

Your eligibility and entitlement under DHOAS is reassessed at the time of payment commencement and may result in a different decision to that advised at Subsidy Certificate approval time.

The information provided below is your declaration to the Department of Defence to confirm that you are meeting the scheme conditions. You must complete this form accurately and in full. Incomplete and unsigned forms will not be accepted. DHOAS staff cannot alter this information on your behalf. If you are required to make amendments to the form you will need to resubmit a full declaration form. Your DHOAS subsidy payment will not be authorised until you have submitted a completed and signed declaration form. Please contact us if you are unsure about how to correctly complete this section.

How to submit a Subsidy Authorisation Request

  • Complete this form to enable subsidy to commence.
  • Complete this online form by using the Begin button below and submit electronically to commence, attaching supporting evidence if appropriate
  • If unable to submit using the online form please print this pdf form, complete and forward your signed form via mail, fax or email using the addresses shown on this website, attaching supporting evidence if appropriate

DVA will notify you of the outcome of the subsidy authorisation request.

Note: All decisions relating to the administration of the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme are made pursuant to the Defence Home Ownership Assistance Scheme Act 2008 (the Act). Whilst due care is taken in the preparation of advice by the Department of Veterans' Affairs as the Scheme Administrator, in the event of any inconsistencies between this information and the Act, the Act will take precedence.

PART AYour Personal Details

7. Contact numbers
Preferred contact number (please select)

NOTE: It is important you keep your contact details up to date to ensure you receive correspondence about your entitlement. For example, you must notify DHOAS about a change from your Defence email address to a private email address on discharge; and confirm your contact details when you move locations.

PART BProperty & Loan Details

I hereby apply for authorisation of subsidy under the DHOAS Act on a home loan secured by a mortgage over an interest in land located at:

My DHOAS loan settlement/expected settlement date on the property referred to above is:


The remaining interest is owned/will be owned by another person/s.

Please note: This question does not relate to your equity in the property. It relates to the parties on the Certificate of Title and what percentage is owned by those parties. The eligible person must be one of the parties on the title for the subsidy to be payable on the property/loan.

11. Use of loan (Section 30)I declare that I am using the home loan subject to this application solely to (please select applicable item):

12. Occupancy of the property
(Section 32)

Please note: You must be occupying your subsidised property for DHOAS subsidy to commence.

I declare that (please select applicable item):






I understand that subsidy may cease if I stop occupying the property within the 12 months following the commencement of subsidy payments or the completion of building work.

If I am unable to occupy the home for the 12 month occupancy period, I understand that I must be approved a shorter period of occupancy to be eligible for continued subsidy payments. I also understand that I must apply for a reduced occupancy period within a reasonable period of time of vacating the DHOAS subsidised property.

Where I am performing building work, I understand that I have two years from the commencement of subsidy payments to complete the building work and move into the home.

15. Property Use (Section 33)

Will the land or any building on the land be used for the purpose of carrying on a business, trade or profession?

PART CLump Sum

(If you select 'Yes' you must be able to agree to both statements 1 and 2 to be eligible for the lump sum (unless you are applying as a surviving partner).

If you cannot confirm 'Yes' to both of these statements, you are not eligible for the lump sum.)

If you want the lump sum please complete and submit PART G of the application for Subsidy Certificate form
I confirm the declarations made on my application for Subsidy Certificate form are correct in that:
  1. I expect that I will continue to provide service in the Australian Defence Force (ADF), where that service is considered effective for DHOAS purposes, for a period of at least 12 months after payment of subsidy is authorised. *I acknowledge that the Scheme Administrator or the Department of Defence may recover an amount equal to the lump sum subsidy payment paid to me if I cease to be a member of the ADF within 12 months after payment of subsidy is authorised; and
  2. Whilst I have been a member of the ADF, I have not previously purchased a home, other than the one that is the subject of this application for Subsidy Certificate, and this property was purchased after I received my Subsidy Certificate.

NOTE: If you have less than 12 months of entitlement remaining after you receive the lump sum payment, and subsequently transfer to the Reserves, your monthly DHOAS payments may cease.

*Declaration 1 above does not apply if you are applying for a lump sum as a surviving partner.

PART DDeclaration

    • A reasonably significant change to my loan agreement;
    • A change that affects the way my service credit or tier level is worked out, including a change in my service status;
    • Where there is a reasonably significant change to the house or a permanent improvement on the property referred to in Question 9;
    • Where I am undertaking building work, when I complete that building work;
    • Where there is a change in my or my partner's ownership of the property referred to in Question 9;
    • Where my partner and I own the subsidised property referred to in Question 9, and the partnership is dissolved;
    • If I move out of my home within 12 months of subsidy commencing;
    • If the house and/or land (excluding the common property associated with a strata or similar title property) starts being used, to a reasonably significant extent, for the purpose of carrying out a business, trade or profession;
      Failure to advise any of the above may result in your subsidy being stopped.